Why do we exist? Knowing the answer to this question can make your life truly valuable and meaningful.
It’s wonderful that you exist! I hope you are aware of that. I also hope you know why you are valuable. If you want to learn more about that, you’ve come to the right place.
In the main story of this website, I will take you on a journey of discovery to find the purpose of your life. On this page, you can read the summary.
Chapter 1 ~ Why Your Life is Important
When you look at nature, you will see everything is beautiful and ingenious. There are so many different colors, shapes, smells, and sounds. For example, did you know that there are hundreds of thousands of different types of flowers in the world?
Our body is a walking miracle. It is made of billions of small cells. Each cell contains an incredible amount of information called DNA. If you were to write down all this information in one cell, you would need more than 2500 books. Everything in nature is very sophisticated. Many organisms and processes cannot exist without each other. If you think about it, it is simply not possible that this all originated by chance.
Chapter 2 ~ No Accident?
Our planet, the plants, the animals, and we humans are amazingly well designed. We learned in Chapter 1 that this couldn’t have happened by coincidence. There must be a design for it; a design does not exist without a designer. We call this designer our Creator.
If there is a Creator, do you want to learn more about Him? Do you want to know if He created you for a purpose? Can we discover the truth about Him? If you want to, there’s a challenge: we cannot see Him. So how can we learn more about Him? After all, there are thousands of religions to choose from, all of which present a different image of our Creator.
Search for the Truth
To discover the correct image of our Creator, you have to search for the truth yourself. After all, the Creator does not show Himself in material form. Yet it is important to find out for what purpose He made us. If you don’t know your purpose, you will most likely fail to reach your destination!
Chapter 3 ~ The Designer of Life
The Creator surely has some good reasons why we cannot see Him. He is not a material being. He is the Creator of all matter. We can discover several of His characteristics by observing what He has created. After all, a design reveals what the designer finds beautiful and important.
The first characteristic you can observe is that the Creator is very creative. He created the universe, the earth, nature, and everything in it with enormous detail and amazing diversity. For example, there are about 400,000 different species of plants. Each has its own color, shape, and smell. We, humans, are walking marvels of engineering. Scientists have studied our bodies for many centuries but still have a long way to go to understand how everything works.
If you know a bit about the laws of nature, you will understand that the Creator is also a designer of cause and effect. The laws of nature always operate the same way. For example, the force of gravity always pulls you down. Therefore, you can assume that our Creator is reliable. If He were not, His creation would turn into chaos.
We can also observe that there is a foundation for what is right and wrong. These are not rules that we humans have made up ourselves. If humans had invented the rules, there would be many versions of good and evil. Therefore, the foundation of our morality must have been defined by our Creator.
Humans have special abilities that other creatures in nature do not have. We can think about our existence. We long for relationships, and we can love other people. So the Creator also must be the source of love and relationships. Because we can think about our existence, we also need to understand the purpose of our existence. Somehow, we all are searching for an answer to this question, and until we know the correct answer, we will experience a sense of emptiness.
We often fill this emptiness with being busy, addiction, or any form of distraction. We try to suppress this feeling in many ways instead of figuring out the answer.
Chapter 4 ~ We Can Choose
You might think that the Creator no longer cares about His creation. After all, we do not see Him, and there is a lot of pain and misery in the world. In this chapter, we will have a look at our responsibility. People have been given the special ability to make choices by themselves. Therefore, we can respect and appreciate our Creator; however, we can also choose to do whatever we like.
Not all of us choose to accept and respect the presence of our Creator, which can also cause people to have no respect for other people. The consequences of this can be painful and even devastating. Hopefully, you are not a murderer or a mean person, but even when you are doing quite good in life, you will hurt someone at some point in life, intentionally or unintentionally. Every human being rebels against his Creator in some way. We will discover later that even small acts of rebellion can have big consequences.
Should the Creator intervene? If so, when should He do so? When the Creator would intervene every moment, would there still be freedom of choice?
Are the answers to be found in a religion?
There are thousands of religions on our planet. All claim to represent the truth. Some people assume that all religions show different parts of the truth. However, it is impossible if you consider the great differences between all religions. For example, some believe in one god, others in millions of gods. Yet other religions assume that we are gods ourselves. If all this were true, there could not be one truth.
Yet, it is important to discover the truth about our existence. The Creator has made us for a reason. So it is also important to discover the reason why we were created. Otherwise, you will miss your destination in life.
Chapter 5 ~ Discover The Truth
From here on, I want to tell you about the Truth I have discovered about our Creator. From now on, I will also call Him God because that is the most common name for our Creator worldwide.
I have discovered the Truth about the Creator in the Bible. If you don’t want anything to do with the Bible, I understand that you would like to stop reading here. However, I would like to invite you to continue reading. I hope I can share with you some really good news for your life and your future.
The way, the truth, and life
I want to encourage you to do your search for the truth. I want to help you a bit in your search. I want to tell you about our Creator, who is very involved in His creation. He even has personal attention for you. He has a purpose for your life.
If you have any doubts about this, but you are seeking the truth about our Creator, then you may also ask Him to show you the truth.
If you have doubts about the reliability and relevance of the Bible, first read this this article about why the Bible is different from all other books.
From here on, I would like to share with you some quotes from the Bible to think about. I hope you will discover for yourself that our Creator cares about you and even has a plan for you. I know that He will show you that He cares for you and that you are very valuable to Him!
You will search for me, and when you search for me with all your heart, you will find me. Jeremiah 29:13
In the Bible, you can discover that God created everything to show how great and powerful He is. But there is more – He made us with the special ability to decide for ourselves. Therefore, we can give Him the honor He deserves. God allows Himself to be found by those who seek Him sincerely.
God lets Himself be discovered
… And if you look for him with all your heart and soul, you will find him. Deuteronomy 4:29 b
I have learned that God is a God of relationships. He loves the people He has created one by one. If He is our creator, then He deserves our attention and respect.
It is the same when we ignore another human being; there is no relationship. Even more, it does work that way with our Creator. I know from personal experience that God is concerned about you and me. The only question is whether you will give Him your attention in return.
I hope that the desire to really get to know Him has been awakened in you and that you sincerely want to learn about your Creator. He will show the truth about Himself to you. That is His promise!
Chapter 6 ~ Our Problem
Because of our ability to choose, there is also a big problem for us. We can trust God to be a reliable creator. Because of our freedom of choice we often do things that God does not want us to do. We call these sins. To be reliable and trustworthy, God must also be just. He cannot simply overlook or forgive our sins.
The most important decision we can make is to honor and trust God. When we decide to ignore God, we certainly do not give Him honor. But even when we do our utmost best to respect Him, we often do things that dishonor Him. Please take an honest look at your own heart and your actions. Would all that you do honor your Creator? Even the ones with things you do that no one knows about? I am sure no one can honestly say that he always does what God wants;
But everyone has gone the wrong way. Everyone has turned bad. No one does anything good. No, not one person! Psalms 14:3 & Romans 3:11-12
If you are in a relationship and your partner cheats on you, the relationship will be permanently damaged even if your partner does not cheat on you 100 times after that. There is permanent damage. Restoration of the relationship is only possible when there is repentance and forgiveness.
I give you this example to explain our relationship with God. Any form of rebellion against the great and holy Creator damages His honor. So there cannot be a relationship between Him and us. We can no longer come into His presence. From the first man (Adam) until now, every human being has been rebellious and deliberately or accidentally damaged the relationship with his Creator. Healing is only possible if we are remorseful and God is willing to forgive.
However, to be righteous, God cannot just forgive without dealing with our sins. If He would just forgive people, then others would have a claim on it. God would no longer be trustworthy.
Chapter 7 ~ There is Hope
God created us because He loves us. He did not create us because He needed helpers who would serve Him as slaves. He islove and loves His creatures. Love is only expressed when you share it with others. He wants to share His love with us, and He has given us the ability to love Him too.
Nevertheless, we have a big problem. God cannot just love us because we are likely to sin, and we often ignore Him. His honor is shamed over and over again. Our deeds demand justice. We are moving further and further away from God. We live in darkness, and we are heading for death.
Despite our shameful behavior, God wants to restore the relationship. We are not able to do this ourselves. We make mistakes over and over again. Yet, if we sincerely seek Him and when we are deeply sorry for our behavior and misdeeds, He wants to offer forgiveness for all our sins. He has thought of a great plan to be forgiving and just. He took the punishment that we deserve for our sinful behavior. In Chapter 8, we will learn more about His solution to our problem.
When people sin, they earn what sin pays—death. But God gives his people a free gift—eternal life in Christ Jesus our Lord. Romans 6:23
Chapter 8 ~ The Good News!
The law was without power because it was made weak by our sinful selves. But God did what the law could not do: He sent his own Son to earth with the same human life that everyone else uses for sin. God sent him to be an offering to pay for sin. So God used a human life to destroy sin. Romans 8:3
Of course, you may wonder how God can have a Son. You can learn more about it by reading the article, “Can God have a Son?” The most important message I want to share is that God’s Son has paid for our sins by dying. He made it possible for God to forgive us without us having to pay the price ourselves. By doing so, the relationship between God and us can be restored!
The great Creator who becomes a human being–sounds like a great humiliation! Yet that is His loving and brilliant solution to restore the relationship between Him and us.
He came to earth and was born of a mother, just like every other human being. There was one difference with all the other human beings. His mother, Mary, did not conceive by a man. God’s Holy Spirit conceived the child within her. A unique combination of the divine and the human. He was given the name Jesus (meaning Savior) and was called the Son of God.
Jesus was about 30 years old when He started to share the good news with the people. During His life, He showed the people that God loves them. He also healed many sick people and performed many miracles.
However, He was not just a teacher and an example to people. There was a much bigger plan. A plan that had been foretold centuries before.
From that time Jesus began telling his followers that he must go to Jerusalem. He explained that the older Jewish leaders, the leading priests, and the teachers of the law would make him suffer many things. And he told his followers that he must be killed. Then, on the third day, he would be raised from death. Matthew 16:21
The religious leaders saw Him as a threat to their power and authority. They wanted Him sentenced to death, but the only accusation they could make against Him was that He claimed to be the Son of God. With the help of a large crowd, they succeeded in getting Jesus sentenced to death on a cross.
Jesus, God’s Son, was shamefully nailed to a cross. He could have easily avoided this if He had desired. But He voluntarily underwent this punishment. By doing so, He suffered the punishment you and I would otherwise have faced for our sins.
By voluntarily dying, He has washed away our sins and shame by His blood and purified our conscience. He gave His life for you and me!
Yes, God loved the world so much that he gave his only Son, so that everyone who believes in him would not be lost but have eternal life. John 3:16
To show that He is more powerful than death, He has risen from the grave after three days. He paid for our punishment and offered us the opportunity to leave all our sins behind and receive forgiveness.
Who can say that God’s people are guilty? No one! Christ Jesus died for us, but that is not all. He was also raised from death. And now he is at God’s right side, speaking to him for us. Romans 8:34
Do you recognize that you have dishonored your Creator many times? And do you want to accept His offer to restore the relationship? If so, accept His rescue through the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ. God will forgive your sins and not judge you for them anymore. If you accept this offer, you will be born again (spiritually). You will even be “adopted” as His child!
But some people did accept him. They believed in him, and he gave them the right to become children of God. They became God’s children, but not in the way babies are usually born. It was not because of any human desire or plan. They were born from God himself. John 1:12-13
If you don’t want to accept this, what should God have to do for you? How should He then show you that He loves you?
Chapter 9 ~ What Will Be Your Choice?
It’s up to you now. Do you want to answer to God’s love? Are you aware that you cannot ignore your Creator? And do you understand that your behavior dishonors Him over and over again?
It is certainly not an easy choice to accept His loving gift. It means that you have to stop living the way you used to live. You will have to put God in the first place in your life. You can start living the way He intended out of gratitude for His loving forgiveness. But I can tell you it will be a much better life than you ever will have without God. And your future will be even better.
People who believe in God’s Son are not judged guilty. But people who do not believe are already judged, because they have not believed in God’s only Son. They are judged by this fact: The light has come into the world. But they did not want light. They wanted darkness, because they were doing evil things. John 3:18-19
What will be your choice?
Do you want to continue to live your own way? Do you want to continue to deny your Creator? That is a choice as well. But by doing so, you also determine your future. It will be a future far away from God. The Bible is very clear about this: You will have to accept the consequences by yourself for your attitude towards God and for all the shameful things you have done.
I hope you will accept God’s invitation to start a new life! A life that will be much more rewarding and meaningful than you can ever realize. A life where you will belong to the “family” of God. After your life on earth, you may live forever in Heaven, close to God.
If you choose to trust God and give Him the most prominent place in your life, He will take care of you. This does not mean that you will not make mistakes anymore. Neither is it a guarantee for living in comfort and without worries. Temptations, sickness, and pain will remain, and your body will die one day. But you can be sure that your destiny will be with God in Heaven. For your soul, there will be an eternal future close to God.
I hope you are touched by what God has done for you. The choice you are facing is not easy, especially when you live in a country where most people have a different picture of the Creator.
You may also continue with your current life. That is also a choice. But I hope you don’t choose to take the convenient path of doing nothing. If you still have doubts, do your research, and don’t stop until you are sure you have found the truth. You can ask God to show you the truth as well.
If you want to talk to someone about all of this, you can use the CHAT. If it is available, you will see the CHAT button at the bottom of your screen. Or have a look at “Contact” for other options.
Are you ready to turn your life around and put God first in your life? Are your deeply sorry for your sins and rebellious and dishonoring behavior? Are you willing to accept the sacrifice of Jesus Christ, the Son of God, and receive a new life? God is waiting for you with arms wide open.
I want to encourage you to make this choice today!