Same God, different names?

Do We All Worship The Same God?

Many people believe that we all worship the same God. Muhammad repeatedly said that he was talking about the same God who had sent Adam, Abraham, Moses, and Jesus. Could all Muslims, Christians, Hindus, Buddhists, and other religious people worship the same God differently?

We cannot see our Creator. Could we, however, discover more about Him and His characteristics? Many thousands of different religions are convinced that they have the right image of the Creator. So how can we find out what is His true image? Or do all of the religions show a part of the Truth?

The Blind Men and the Elephant

There is a well-known story of a couple of blind men. The men are standing around an elephant, and the first man feels a leg and describes a thick rough tree. The second blind man is standing by the trunk, describing a long ribbed snake. The third man touches the tail and describes a piece of rope with a fluffy end.

They all describe the same elephant. Would it be the same with our Creator? Would every religion describe some of the characteristics of the Creator?

Too bad for the nice example. Unfortunately, we cannot apply this to the differences between religions. Some religions assume one Creator, one God. Other religions believe there are several gods or that we are ourselves are gods. There are also many different views on the characteristics of the Creator or gods. These views are so different and contradictory that they cannot be united into “one elephant.”


It would also be strange for the Creator to present Himself in different forms. It would also be impossible for the Creator to present Himself in different ways that contradict each other.

The God of the Bible and the Qur’an

It is often thought that the God of the Bible and that of the Qur’an are the same. Muhammad repeatedly said that he proclaimed the same God who sent Adam, Abraham, Moses, and Jesus. Yet there are major differences between the image of God in Islam and in the Bible. The Qur’an describes Jesus (Isa) as a prophet and the Bible speaks of Jesus as the Son of God.

Find the Truth about Our Creator

How can you discover the truth if there are many differences and contradictions between religions? 

When you sincerely seek the truth about our Creator, He will show it to you. I want to challenge you to do this search for yourself. The main story on this website is to help you on your journey of discovery. I hope you will reach your destination!
