Same God, different names?
Do We All Worship The Same God? Many people believe that we all worship the same God. Muhammad repeatedly said that he was talking about the same God who had sent Adam, Abraham, Moses, and Jesus. Could all Muslims, Christians, Hindus, Buddhists, and other religious people worship the same God differently? We cannot see our Creator. Could we, however, discover more about Him and His characteristics? Many thousands of different religions are convinced that they have the right image of the Creator. So how can we find out what is His true image? Or do all of the religions show a part of the Truth? The Blind Men and the…
Is the Bible still reliable?
The Bible is the most widely read book in the world and has been translated into more than 2,500 languages. The Bible was written over a span of more than 1,000 years. The last texts were written down about 2,000 years ago. Can we still trust the content when the Bible is already 2,000 years old? Is the message of the Bible still up to date? In this article, I would like you to discover why the Bible is a unique book. We will have a look at the reliability of the Bible. And we will dive into some interesting features and scientific discoveries. We will finish by looking at…
The life of Jesus
Jesus Christ (1) was born in Israel about 2000 years ago. You can read all about this in the Bible, for example in the Gospel of Luke. Centuries before, the coming of a Savior was announced by a number of prophets. His birth Jesus came to earth. He was born to a mother just like any other human being. But there was one big difference between Him and everyone else. His mother Mary was not conceived by a man. God’s Holy Spirit conceived the child in her. A unique combination of the divine and the human. He was given the name Jesus (which means Savior) and was also called the…
Can God have a Son?
On this website, we search for the truth. In our search, we review what the Bible tells us about it. The Bible frequently talks about “The Son of God.” I know that many Muslims have difficulty with this expression. In this article, I would like to clarify some misunderstandings and try to answer some frequently asked questions about the expression “Son of God”. The first misunderstanding I want to clarify is that some people imagine that God would have had a physical affair with Mary. However, there was no sexual relationship or marriage between God and Mary. God’s Spirit made it happen for the virgin Mary to become pregnant. I…
Did Jesus really die on the cross?
Some people have doubts about whether Jesus Christ really died on a cross. Many Islamic teachers deny the death of Jesus on the cross. They have based this denial on a verse in the Qur’an that is dificult to explain (Surat An-Nisa’ 4:157). In this post, I will present some key facts as an explanation of why it is impossible for Jesus Christ would have survived the crucifixion. Some people also claim that somebody else died on the cross. You can read more about why that is not the case in the post “Did someone else hang on the cross?“. He was tortured and weakened The Gospels (Injil) of Matthew,…
Can God die?
In the Bible, there is much told about Jesus Christ. He has been God Himself coming to earth as a human being. He died in order to carry the punishment for our sins. Every person who repents for their sinful behavior and who believes that Jesus died for these sins, no longer has to bear the burden themselves. Because of the death of Jesus, forgiveness by God is made possible. But how could it be possible for God to die? Who has been running the universe in the meantime? The answer to this question is found in the essence of God. The Bible describes the 3 persons who are part…
Did someone else die on the cross?
There are some people who believe that someone else died on the cross instead of Jesus Christ. Some say it was Judas, the disciple who betrayed Jesus. Others say it was Simon of Cyrene, the man ordered by the Romans to carry the cross for Jesus. A look-alike? Based on a verse in the Qur’an (Sura 4:157), it is argued that Jesus would have been replaced by a look-alike. The most important question in that regard is, why would God replace Jesus with someone else? The entire Bible points to the coming of a Savior. The gospels and the eyewitness reports of his disciples, clearly describe why Jesus came to…
Can one God be 3 persons?
The Bible mentions three different manifestations of God: God the Father, God the Son, and God the Holy Spirit. However, the Bible also makes it clear that there is only one God. He is one being and three persons – this is very difficult for us to imagine. For this, we often use the term “Trinity.” This term is not in the Bible. It is a word to express the 3 different persons of God. Although the greatness and complexity of God can never be fully understood by any of us, we can explore some of His characteristics from the Bible. Some people may think that Mary –the mother of…
How to Talk to God?
Prayer is the act of talking to God; it can be a conversation from your heart. God seeks a relationship with us. Therefore, you can tell Him how grateful you are that He loves you. You may be thankful for what He gives you. You may also share with Him the matters that worry you. You do not have to use fancy words/phrases or repeat your words. God already knows your needs. He is looking for a sincere prayer from your heart. Be honest to Him; after all, He already knows all about you. Jesus Himself gave an example of how you can pray to God; So this is how…