Understanding Life
The most Important Questions about Life Life is a profound journey, full of uncertainties, mysteries, and moments of introspection. Throughout history, humans have been compelled to explore questions that delve deep into the core of existence. These questions shape how we view ourselves, the world around us, and our purpose in it. While the answers to these life questions are subjective and often elusive, they remain central to philosophical thought, religious teachings, and personal reflection. In this article, we will explore the most popular questions about life and why they resonate so deeply across cultures and generations. Throughout history, humans have wondered about the meaning of our lives. These life…
Overcome Fear and Anxiety
Everyone knows anxieties. We would like to help you do something with your anxiety. We especially want to help you address the root cause of your anxiety. We would like to help you find tranquillity and peace of mind. In this article, we would like to give you a better understanding of your fear and some advice on how to deal with it. But most of all, we want to help you tackle your anxiety at its source. Why are we anxious? We would like to be in complete control of our situation, our circumstances, our health and our lives. But the truth is, we will never fully get it.…
Are you satisfied with your life?
Do you recognise the gnawing feeling of not being satisfied in your life? Even when you are happy, you may still have the feeling that there is more in life. Happiness is a short-term feeling but satisfaction is about your entire life. I would like to give you some ideas on how you can become more satisfied. The most essential aspect I have saved for last. Be grateful When you look for satisfaction in material things, you will never be satisfied. There will always be nicer stuff to buy. And if you have beautiful possessions, you will realize that they do not give you much satisfaction. A lot of stuff…
You are beautiful!!
Do you also know why? Do you ever have doubts about how you look? Are you wearing the right clothes? Are you saying the right things? You can be there, simply because you exist. And you don’t just exist for no reason. If you are curious about more about this, I would like to invite you to read the main story on this website. One warning in advance: It can change your life.
Does God exist?
Almost everyone at one point or another in their life asks themselves the question whether there is a God. Whether you come from a religious family or whether you were raised as an atheist. That is not surprising, because everyone is curious about his origin. Why do I exist and does my life actually have meaning? Does it matter what I do with my life, or should I just make sure that I have a nice and fun life? Why do we wonder about the meaning of our lives? Apparently there is a need deep down in our being for an answer to that question. Is my life meaningful? And…
Grow your self-confidence
Not being respected can be terribly humiliating and painful. It eats away at your self-confidence and it will negatively affect your attitude towards other people as well. We often refer to it as bullying among children, but adults can also make each other’s life miserable in different ways. In all cultures there is bullying and people are oppressed. Apparently it is something that people need. Sometimes it is between the bully and the victim, but almost everywhere entire groups of people are treated as inferior. Often because they have a different origin, colour, gender or religion. This behavior has major consequences for the self-confidence of a person. It can lead…
Fix your financial problems
Money worries are for many people an important cause of stress and sleepless nights. How do you get out of financial trouble? We all dream of winning the lottery. No more worrying about the bills to be paid and being able to buy anything you want. But no matter how many times you enter a lottery, the chances are a lot higher that you will lose a lot of money on it than you will be a millionaire one day. Money problems often arise because we want more than we can afford. For some, a good meal is more than you can afford. For others, a new mobile phone or…
Save Your Marriage
Is your relationship not working? Are you arguing or is the fire of your love slowly extinguishing? Why is it sometimes so terribly difficult to keep a relationship good? For many people in the East, a relationship is based on an arranged marriage and in the West on personal choice. Both have their good and bad sides, but in the end it’s all about making sure that the relationship grows and you prosper together. That can be hard. Being in a relationship means giving a piece of yourself. You have to take the other person into account. And that’s often where relationships go wrong. We often consider our own opinion…
Calm your Stress
Almost everyone experiences stress once in a while. Do you recognize the feeling that more is expected of you than you can achieve? Whether at work, at home or, for example, on social media. Children and family can be a lot of stress, but there can also be persistent pressures at work or in your free time. Maybe you are sick or you have a loved one who is sick. You may be struggling with a relationship that isn’t going well. Or maybe financial problems are keeping you awake or living in an environment of war or violence. There are so many circumstances that can cause tension in our body.…
Hope in Depression
What if you’ve been feeling awful for a while? You feel intensely tired, sad and perhaps also with no prospect of getting better. You may be angry or disappointed in yourself or in other people. You may feel that you no longer have control over your own life. Sometimes that can even lead to you not finding your life too valuable. Yet there is hope! In this article I will explain you why. Chances are you have depression. That can be because of things that you have been through or that you are still in the middle of. Such as the loss of your job, a divorce, problems with your…