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    Do I need to be baptized?

    Baptism is having someone immersed in water or having someone sprinkled with water. Baptism is the next step after you have chosen to be saved from your old, sinful life. If you have decided to live the way God wants you to live, you may express that by being baptized. With baptism, you show in public that just like Jesus you have died and are risen. You show that your sins have been washed away and that you have started a new life. What is baptizing? In the event of baptism, you are immersed in water. This can be done in a river, in the sea, in a swimming pool,…

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    Online Bibles & Learn more

    If you are looking for more information, we can recommend the following websites Read the Bible online Learn more about God and Jesus Christ For Children

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    If you have questions about Life, God, Jesus Christ or about what is told on this website: A group of volunteers takes care of the Chat and E-mail. They live in more than ten different countries, so if possible you will be connected with someone from your country. Connect with other followers of Jesus Christ If you want to get in touch with Christians in your neighborhood or follow an online course, please take a look at one of the websites Websites in different languages

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    Are you satisfied with your life?

    Do you recognise the gnawing feeling of not being satisfied in your life? Even when you are happy, you may still have the feeling that there is more in life. Happiness is a short-term feeling but satisfaction is about your entire life. I would like to give you some ideas on how you can become more satisfied. The most essential aspect I have saved for last. Be grateful When you look for satisfaction in material things, you will never be satisfied. There will always be nicer stuff to buy. And if you have beautiful possessions, you will realize that they do not give you much satisfaction. A lot of stuff…