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    Free will or fate?

    Do we have free will, or are we fooling ourselves? Is what we think and do shaped by our minds? Or is everything we do directed by chemical processes in our brains? Is there a Creator who has planned in advance what we will do? Or are we tested when we experience problems? Is our free will a beautiful delusion? People who deny the existence of a Creator will seek another explanation for our thinking and actions. If you believe there is nothing but matter, then our actions must be driven by the chemical processes in our brains. Our brain responds to the stimuli presented to us and the demands…

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    Would the Creator listen to us?

    If we were made by a Creator, would He pay attention to us? Would He listen when we are speaking aloud or in our minds to Him? In “The Search for Truth” on this website, you can learn that there is a Creator. You can also read more about His characteristics over there. One of His characteristics is love. He has given us the ability to love others, but He also loves us. When He loves you and me, it is only natural that He should also be concerned about us. We cannot see our Creator. After all, He is a spiritual being. However, we can assume that He is…

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    Same God, different names?

    Do We All Worship The Same God? Many people believe that we all worship the same God. Muhammad repeatedly said that he was talking about the same God who had sent Adam, Abraham, Moses, and Jesus. Could all Muslims, Christians, Hindus, Buddhists, and other religious people worship the same God differently? We cannot see our Creator. Could we, however, discover more about Him and His characteristics? Many thousands of different religions are convinced that they have the right image of the Creator. So how can we find out what is His true image? Or do all of the religions show a part of the Truth? The Blind Men and the…