Would the Creator listen to us?
If we were made by a Creator, would He pay attention to us? Would He listen when we are speaking aloud or in our minds to Him? In “The Search for Truth” on this website, you can learn that there is a Creator. You can also read more about His characteristics over there. One of His characteristics is love. He has given us the ability to love others, but He also loves us. When He loves you and me, it is only natural that He should also be concerned about us. We cannot see our Creator. After all, He is a spiritual being. However, we can assume that He is…
Same God, different names?
Do We All Worship The Same God? Many people believe that we all worship the same God. Muhammad repeatedly said that he was talking about the same God who had sent Adam, Abraham, Moses, and Jesus. Could all Muslims, Christians, Hindus, Buddhists, and other religious people worship the same God differently? We cannot see our Creator. Could we, however, discover more about Him and His characteristics? Many thousands of different religions are convinced that they have the right image of the Creator. So how can we find out what is His true image? Or do all of the religions show a part of the Truth? The Blind Men and the…
The life of Jesus
Jesus Christ (1) was born in Israel about 2000 years ago. You can read all about this in the Bible, for example in the Gospel of Luke. Centuries before, the coming of a Savior was announced by a number of prophets. His birth Jesus came to earth. He was born to a mother just like any other human being. But there was one big difference between Him and everyone else. His mother Mary was not conceived by a man. God’s Holy Spirit conceived the child in her. A unique combination of the divine and the human. He was given the name Jesus (which means Savior) and was also called the…
Can God die?
In the Bible, there is much told about Jesus Christ. He has been God Himself coming to earth as a human being. He died in order to carry the punishment for our sins. Every person who repents for their sinful behavior and who believes that Jesus died for these sins, no longer has to bear the burden themselves. Because of the death of Jesus, forgiveness by God is made possible. But how could it be possible for God to die? Who has been running the universe in the meantime? The answer to this question is found in the essence of God. The Bible describes the 3 persons who are part…
Did someone else die on the cross?
There are some people who believe that someone else died on the cross instead of Jesus Christ. Some say it was Judas, the disciple who betrayed Jesus. Others say it was Simon of Cyrene, the man ordered by the Romans to carry the cross for Jesus. A look-alike? Based on a verse in the Qur’an (Sura 4:157), it is argued that Jesus would have been replaced by a look-alike. The most important question in that regard is, why would God replace Jesus with someone else? The entire Bible points to the coming of a Savior. The gospels and the eyewitness reports of his disciples, clearly describe why Jesus came to…
A Prayer for You!
Thank you for giving me the opportunity to pray for you! When you visit this page, I will get a message and I will pray for you. . I would like to pray for any specific needs as well. In the following ways you can share with me what I can pray for: I will pray for you! Laden…
Online Bibles & Learn more
If you are looking for more information, we can recommend the following websites Read the Bible online Learn more about God and Jesus Christ For Children